Promoting Peace: The Pakistan-Israel Dosti Initiative

Welcome to Pakistan-Israel Dosti, an initiative dedicated to promoting peace and fostering a warm relationship between the people of Pakistan and Israel.

About us

Pakistan-Israel Dosti

Pakistan-Israel Dosti is an initiative that aspires to promote peace and build a warm relationship between the people of Pakistan and the people of Israel. The only way to open up to each other is learning and acquiring a fact-based understanding that will break through prejudices and open hearts. This website aims to gather videos, articles, and any information regarding the bond between Israelis and Pakistanis, in order to create an opportunity for further collaboration between the two societies.


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Yaron Peer: Qawalli Music

Video from concert in the Sufi Festival Israel The song 'Ali' is based on 'Ali moula' / Nusrat fath ali khan

Dr. Einat Wilf: Introductions to central themes of Zionism and Modern Jewish History

Dr. Einat Wilf is the co-author of “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace” (St. Martin’s Press, available April 28) and a leading intellectual and original thinker on matters of foreign policy, economics, education, Israel and Zionism. She was a member of the Israeli Parliament from 2010-2013, where she served as Chair of the Education Committee and Member of the influential Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. She is considered one of Israel’s most articulate representatives on the international stage. Dr. Wilf has a BA from Harvard, an MBA from INSEAD in France, and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Cambridge. Born and raised in Israel, Dr. Wilf served as an Intelligence Officer in the Israel Defense Forces.
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