Promoting Peace: The Pakistan-Israel Dosti Initiative

Welcome to Pakistan-Israel Dosti, an initiative dedicated to promoting peace and fostering a warm relationship between the people of Pakistan and Israel.

About us

Pakistan-Israel Dosti

Pakistan-Israel Dosti is an initiative that aspires to promote peace and build a warm relationship between the people of Pakistan and the people of Israel. The only way to open up to each other is learning and acquiring a fact-based understanding that will break through prejudices and open hearts. This website aims to gather videos, articles, and any information regarding the bond between Israelis and Pakistanis, in order to create an opportunity for further collaboration between the two societies.


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The Abraham Family House in UAE

What the opening of the Abrahamic Family House Synagogue in the UAE means for the Jewish community and the rest of the world

Dr. Dan Feferman on The Abraham Accords

The United Arab Emirates and Israel agreed to sign a peace treaty and fully normalize relations. In exchange, Israel suspended its plans to annex parts of the West Bank. This is the first time in a quarter of a century that an Arab state has agreed to normalize relations with Israel. The implications of this could be revolutionary in their effect on the broader region.

Momentum builds for potential Israel-Pakistan normalization

“Many countries, Pakistan included, could benefit from Israeli technologies, especially in agriculture, water reuse, high-tech and health care,” Nasim Ashraf, the country’s former minister of state for human development, told JNS.
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